Logo of Wired Wits featuring a stylized digital brain in purple and blue hues with interconnected nodes and pathways, symbolizing a network. Below the image, the text reads 'Wired Wits - Unlocking potential with AI FROM IDEAS TO ACTION' in white font against a dark background.

Wired Wits - Journey Updates

Digital road representing the Wired Wits Tech Roadmap

A Week of Connection and Opportunity at Wired Wits

This past week has been a whirlwind of activity and opportunity at Wired Wits, filled with meetings that have not only broadened our network but also our scope and capabilities. I met with Eswari, the VBOC Director overseeing our region, who quickly recognized several areas where the VBOC could lend its expertise. They offered invaluable support with our marketing efforts and provided free access to comprehensive reports on AI and small business challenges—resources that would otherwise be a significant investment.

More than just receiving, this week was also about giving back to the community that supports us. When Eswari mentioned the need for a local T-shirt printer, I reached out within my network, and thanks to my brother and aunt, we were able to connect the VBOC with a reputable provider. It's moments like these that reinforce the strength and value of community connections in the startup ecosystem.

Another highlight was my unexpected pitch meeting at the Nebraska Innovation Lab. Though unplanned, I navigated through it and received constructive feedback. This meeting opened doors to potential collaborations with other founders, particularly in areas where Wired Wits can make a significant impact—like market research. Understanding your market is critical, and many startups falter here; we aim to bridge this gap.

As we move forward and gear up for the launch of our new platform, I'm also exploring options for ongoing maintenance support. With some hiccups in the past weeks, it's clear that finding the right support—balancing cost with quality—is crucial for sustainable growth.

This is a pivotal time for Wired Wits, as we not only expand our services but also deepen our roots in the community that's quickly becoming an integral part of our story.

Stay tuned for more updates and follow us on X (Twitter) @WiredWits, as we continue to navigate these exciting times!

Finally, if you are new to Wired Wits, please check out our Welcome post to guide you along your journey.

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